I Highly Recommend

Proven 5-step Process to Successfully Build Your Business through Referrals

Attention all entrepreneurs who have a business that relies on recommendations from clients.

You are excellent at what you do, and what you want to do is wow your clients and make a positive impact on the world.

Are you ready to grow your client base, but not sure you want to work more hours?

As a business owner, I know that you wear many hats and that can feel exhausting. It's a safe bet that you know what real stress feels like!

For me, it was running a web development company - balancing getting new work while doing the work. It was relentless and exhausting. Tack on top of that real life - making meals, caring for loved ones, trying to stay healthy - I had no time to rest, let alone go out with friends!

Everything changed when I figured out a system for getting client recommendations. We grew 5-times in just two years. After that, the stress was training new employees to keep up with all the new work coming in - a great problem to have!

My passion is working with people who want to make a difference. I want to help you grow your business so you can do more of what your good at. More of what you love.

Your Instructor

Brooke Gordon
Brooke Gordon

Brooke has been teaching since 1996, and providing executive coaching to business owners since 2006. With an entrepreneurial (and realistic) approach, clients benefit from her bootstrap and internet marketing experiences. Brooke focuses on developing a client’s leadership skills and using organizational tools to support business growth while sustaining a healthy work / life balance.

With a passion for making businesses easier to run by creating processes, you won't be surprised that Brooke has two degrees in Engineering (B.Eng, MASc) and studied Six Sigma. She also has a Masters in commercialization (MEEi) from McMaster University, Canada and lectures for their Engineering & Management program.


Based on the principles of Six Sigma and the Business Model Canvas, this self-paced course teaches our proven 5-step formula to build your business with referrals.

  • Before you get started!
  • Module 1. Who are they?
  • Module 2. What do they need?
  • Module 3. How do you build trust?
  • Module 4. Where are they?
  • Module 5. How can you make it easy?
  • Next steps
  • Courses Included with Purchase

    BONUS: Staying in touch with your raving fans
    Everything you need to know about Email Marketing
    Brooke Gordon

    Original Price: $0

    Here's what others are saying.


    “When Brooke asks, 'how can I help you', she is being sincere and helpful, usually willing to take on any problem that may be bothering you. Her unique approach to problem solving has left me inspired more times than I can remember, and lifted so much stress and pressure, I could never thank her enough.”
    -Christine A.


    “She helped me recognize, find, and assemble my edge pieces, giving me parameters that allow me to go deep instead of broad. She helped me integrate areas of proven expertise I had assumed to be peripheral to my bigger picture. Brooke listened well, never made assumptions, and intuitively knew which areas of my work were no longer life-giving, infusing me with courage to venture beyond past, reliable, and successful work, in order to embrace opportunities of life-giving work now.

    Brooke made this process fun. I had assumed it to be nothing but tedium and drudgery. It was not. It was challenging, satisfying, and has continued to be a magnet for ideas and strategies I could not have imagined. I have always loved working on a good puzzle. Because of Brooke’s help, direction, and insight, I am confidently tackling one of the most exciting puzzles I’ve ever set my mind and heart to assembling. My work. My contribution to the world.”
    -Carrie Ott

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When does the course start and finish?
    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
    How long do I have access to the course?
    How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course - across any and all devices you own - for as long you are an active subscriber.
    What if I am unhappy with the course?
    We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, send in a copy of your homework in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund.

    Get started now!